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Dear Fear, It's Not You. It's Me.

fear limitless powerful Mar 07, 2018

Dear Fear,

It’s not you. It’s me.  No, really, it’s me.

We’ve had an interesting run and ultimately, it’s not going to work. Our dynamic sucks.  It’s time for me to take personal responsibility and take my power back. 

I have let you lead and control this relationship and it’s not healthy for me. It’s holding me back from my potential in life.  Not to mention, it’s not fair for you. I don’t want to be mean and hate you and wish you weren’t around.  It’s such a waste of energy!

And yes, I know what you’re thinking…you’re just trying to protect me. You want what you think is best for me.  You just want me to be safe.  And I appreciate that, truly.  The thing is, I want a hell of a lot more than that. 

I want deep happiness, I want to grow, I want to thrive, I want to create a business and legacy that impacts thousands, then millions, I want to...

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Think back on your life, is there a time when you wished you had pushed yourself more and faced your fears, but the fear won the battle in the end?

Do you ever wonder how things might have turned out if you acted differently?  Or if you acted at all?

Whether it’s a fear of flying, being afraid to speak publicly or procrastination and perfectionism in your business…whatever is on the other side of your fear is an opportunity for growth, it is an opportunity for change, and it is an opportunity for you to reclaim your power. 

And yes, procrastination and perfectionism are fear in camouflage.  We’ll dig more into that juicy topic another day.

Right now, I want to tell you a story and give you a few tools that will serve you in the face of fear.

It was spring break and my daughters and I decided to go parasailing. There they were, all excited, big smiles, totally pumped.  Me…not so much, I was totally freaking out on the inside. Why...

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Growth & Inspiration

growth inspiration Sep 26, 2017

Hey there! I am so happy you’re here and want to make sure you get every possible piece of inspiration, motivation and love I can possibly give to you.

There are tons of videos for your growth and enjoyment on The Litt Factor YouTube Channel and The Litt Factor Facebook PageYou can visit them by clicking the buttons below.

I wake up every day to inspire you to raise your consciousness and create change in your life, so let me know what you want to know.

How can I help YOU?

You can email me directly at [email protected]. You can ask questions, share an area that you’d like coaching on, or a personal scenario where you are seeking guidance. From there, I will address it in a video and keep you posted on when it will be available!

Happy Evolving,

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Don't Worry About A Thing.

Uncategorized Jun 20, 2017

“I can’t stop worrying.”  “I am such a worrier.”  “I come from a long line of worriers.”

What would it feel like to not worry?  How much time and energy would you get back in your life if worrying wasn’t a thing? 

I know…right now you’re thinking, “no way,” it’s impossible for me to stop worrying.  I am here to tell you it IS possible.  To start the process, we you must understand what worrying is.    

According to Webster’s definition, worry is to give way to anxiety or unease; allow one's mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles.

First of all, let’s highlight a KEY word in the above definition – ALLOW.  Which boils down to, you get to choose.  So, let’s be clear and agree that worrying is your choice.  Are you with me?  Good. 

Worrying is not just the way you are.  And although you most...

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Just Breathe.

Uncategorized May 15, 2017

Of all the tools and strategies available to us, there is one that always reigns supreme.  Somehow we gloss over it, don’t realize it’s greatness.  It’s something we often take for granted, as we do it subconsciously, without effort.   That supreme tool is breathing.  Conscious, deep breathing – on purpose.

Some call it centering, some say mediation, some say mindfulness.  I’m not hung up on what you call it, I simply want you to make time to do it.  Breathing on purpose means slow, centering, deep breaths.  Choosing, consciously to fill up your diaphragm, hold the breath for a few seconds, then slowly exhale the breath until you are empty – then begin the next round.  The benefits can create countless positive effects in yourself and in your life.  Before I tell you all the awesome ways, let’s get clear on a few things. 

Thing #1: Meditation is the practice of reaching ultimate...

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You work, you run, you schedule, you focus, you strive - all for the ultimate goal…happiness, peace and fulfillment. 

Happiness.  Isn’t that what we all, deep down, are working toward?  

I can go on and on with tips of what to do to increase your happiness and joy.  Right now, let’s walk through the 3 things to stop doing to feel an instant shift in increased happiness, more peace and deeper fulfillment.  I know, I’m excited too!

The 3 Shifts to Happiness:

1.      NO MORE COMPARISON!  ‘Comparison-itus’ serves no one.   When you compare yourself or your life to that of someone else’s, you are in judgement.  Judgement is toxic and skews the way you see the world.  It’s that feeling of “look how perfect their life is” when you see a post on Facebook or “She’s so pretty and always has it so together” when you...

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It's NOT Just The Way You Are...

Uncategorized Feb 27, 2017

How many times have you said something about yourself, followed up by “that’s just the way I am?”  Or heard someone around you talk about themselves and follow it up with “that’s just the way I am?”

“I take things personally, that’s just the way I am.”                                                                         “I always run late, that’s just the way I am.”                                                                                 “I’m a total neat freak, it’s just the way I am...

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Creating Untouchable Self-Esteem In Our Children

Uncategorized Jan 27, 2017

What is self-esteem?  Simply put, self-esteem is a way of thinking and feeling about yourself. Today we are going to focus on supporting our children to cultivate and maintain untouchable self-esteem. 

Do you ever feel like your child’s self-esteem rises and falls based on their grades in school? Does their self-esteem crash based on how make followers they have on social media?  Do they beat themselves up if they don’t make the soccer team?

How our children feel about themselves often comes from what is happening outside of them.  The KEY to cultivating untouchable self-esteem is to understand it is based on what is going on inside of them.

Think of it like this – your self-esteem is not what you do, it’s who you are.  So if they attach how they feel about themselves to how they perform in school, what parties they go to, and what teams they make, then self-esteem will inevitably be a yo-yo. A rollercoaster...

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Failure and Success are on the same street!!!

Uncategorized Dec 21, 2016

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The Value of Our Values

Uncategorized Dec 12, 2016

When was the last time, if ever, you were asked to identify your values? 

Values are the center of your being and are key to understanding how to make meaningful choices. Whether or not you are aware, when you find yourself reacting strongly to events, issues, opinions or tasks, it is because they either align with or go against your values.

Understanding your values creates a doorway to clarity...clarity of vision, clarity of goals, clarity of priorities, clarity of purpose, and clarity of what drives you to take action. In addition, being able to articulate your values to others offers opportunities for enhanced communication.  

Identifying your personal values is an important part of understanding yourself and creating a space where you can be successful with personal and professional goals. In this context, the word "value" may refer to how you feel about the work you are doing and the contribution it makes to society. The word “value” may also...

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