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The Most Overlooked Quality Blocking Abundance for Women Leaders

How good are you at receiving?


If you’re like 99% of the women when they start working with me, the truth is…. Not very good. 


The problem is, most high-achieving women think that by not needing help or asking for support they’re being strong, independent and successful. The opposite couldn’t be more true: 


A Misunderstood Essential Leadership Quality


To be an extraordinary leader you must be an extraordinary receiver. You must be able to receive support, inspiration, ideas, perspectives, money, compliments, love, and more. 


When you’re blocking your ability to receive, it’s as if you’re putting your hands out in front of you, telling the Universe no no no I’m fine it’s fine I don’t need anything leave me alone! 


Which creates a HUGE block to abundance and success for a majority of women. It was a block for me, too!

Two Subtle Ways I (Almost) Block(ed)...

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You’re Ignoring the Most Dangerous Addiction of All

What’s the first thing you feel when you wake up?

Worry? Anxiety? Resentment? It happens so fast it’s like you have no choice in the matter. 

What if I told you these uncomfortable feelings (and all uncomfortable feelings) are addictions that you can let go and have a joyful life of waking up stress-free?

You don’t know you’re addicted

My favorite definition of addiction is this:

“Continued use despite adverse consequences.” — Judson Brewer, M.D., Ph.D

Be honest: you continue to allow and affirm disempowering emotions despite adverse consequences, don’t you?

Not only disempowering emotions that make YOU feel bad, but emotions that make you bite your kids’ heads off, distance yourself from your partner, and judge yourself and everyone else constantly, and make you unapproachable. It feels like garbage, and yet… you continue to do it. 

You might be thinking, “sure, Tracy, but I can CHOOSE not to eat...

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